Rebrand Pingolito
It's never too soon for a makeover and i decided to change my personal logo to a playful and fun design that reflects my personality and my vision of art.

Along with the logo i designed a new avatar (profile picture) for all my socials.
I made two versions, the first one more detailed and the second one more abstract.
Both were illustrated in Adobe Illustrator.

I also applied my animation skills to make an animation for my logo, here is te final result.

This is a 3D version of the LOGO made with Adobe Illustrator.
This was the first draft for the logo animation, decided to remove the splats and make it more blobby to get a cleaner version. It was made with Adobe Animate.

I even designed this playfull pattern to go along with the logo and profile picture.
The main idea was to represent the very roots of my process which are some of the traditional tools for drawing and design, i liked the school like feeling of it.

And just as a final touch i created this little showreel in After Effects to showcase all my skills in 30 seconds. Nothing too fancy just a collection of images, process videos and animations i've made in the past.
Hope you liked this project and the little insight of my creative process!
Thank you!